Winter/Spring CSA Week 8

We have a change in CSA dates later this spring. When planning the season, I misread the calendar, so we had planned two weeks in a row in April/May. The correct dates for the remainder of the season are March 13 and 27, April 10 and 24, May 8 and 22, and June 5. Summer CSA begins the following week, on June 12.

It appears that spring has sprung! Trees are budding, and my first daffodils have large blooms on them. Your farmers have been busy starting seeds in our greenhouses, and we're thinking about when we can prep our gardens and fields to plant early crops.

We're finishing up maple season on our farm. It's time to pull taps and clean out our tanks and evaporator for the season.

This Week's Features

  • Jerusalem Artichokes have stayed in the ground all winter. Enjoy this freshly dug veggie. Great roasted, fried, or mashed as a potato substitute.

  • Harmony Grove Farm has lots of lettuce, spinach, and various other fresh greens.

  • It's egg season! Our chickens are laying lots of eggs right now. Stock up on this economical protein. Buy four dozen from Bushel & a Peck Farm and get 50 cents off each dozen.

  • In case you missed their debut last month, grab a loaf of naturally fermented sourdough bread from Pennsylvania Sourdough.


Caramelized Onion, Goat Cheese and Herb Quiche: Some of my family doesn't prefer quiche. They love eggs, but there's something about quiche that they just don't like. I was going to make one of this recipe for dinner a few nights ago, but I tried a new gluten free pie crust recipe that made enough for two shells (or a double crust), so I went ahead and made two, thinking I would have lunch for the week. Well...all that was left was one tiny slice because it was so flavorful.

This Creamy Salmon Pasta is on my menu this week, too. I think I'll add some sorrel to the sauce.

Spinach Mushroom Quinoa Skillet is a great weeknight vegetarian dish.

Batata Harra (Lebanese Spiced Potatoes) works best with Yukon Gold potatoes, but red potatoes are a good substitute. You will need 2 lb. of potatoes, and don't forget to order fresh cilantro for the sauce.